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Éone-on-one using your computers, with employees doing actual work.

We start our training process with a detailed evaluation. From this assessment, we design a balanced training program around your existing skill levels, goals, capabilities and firm needs. Our written evaluations contain a list of topics to be covered, personnel to be trained, an estimate of instructional hours and a breakdown of costs for each. Most of our training is performed one-on-one using using your computers, with employees doing actual work. Why is this important? Because we train with actual files Ñ you learn specific techniques to improve the workflow. Rather than offer only prefabricated classes or tutorials, we tailor instruction to maximize the benefits in the day-to-day workplace.

solutions also offers classroom training. From computer basics to training customer sales reps, group sessions are carefully planned and paced by using instructional systems design and good pedagogy. Written quizzes make sure information is being retained and that class members are not Òleft behind.Ó solutions also offers classroom training. From computer basics to training customer sales reps, group sessions are carefully planned and paced by using instructional systems design and good pedagogy. Written quizzes make sure information is being retained and that class members are not left 